Real Talk with Regan

Breaking Through Income + Business Stagnation: Are You Planning to Win or Lose?

Episode Summary

When you are in the in-between and in a season of being stagnant when it comes to creating what you want in biz  (the 4 + 5 figure monthly income, demand, inspiration, leaving your job, 6 fig year, and hitting life goals) what I see so often is you are planning to LOSE instead of WIN while taking the action.  You are planning to not hit your income goals because you haven’t hit them in years, even though you are consistent with content.  You are planning on not signing all the clients into your offer, even though you really believe in your coaching.  You are planning to invest so you can get over this hump, but then you talk yourself out of it because you don't actually know if you will pay it off or create the results.  It feels NORMAL to plan for the worst case scenario instead of ASSUME IT’S GOING TO WORK OUT because you have been in the cocoon getting the same results for months (or years) so now  you think that there is a higher probability of it not working out instead of working out. IT'S HELLLA FRUSTRATING, but you are going to transcend all that ish inside of Metamorphosis Mastermind because I am going to coach you on how to get out of the cocoon with this one concept.  I have this concept within my business that I  have been teaching on since 2021, and it's called, Planning To Win. And it’s an identity that once embodied, practiced, and refined will be the key to trusting yourself to actually call in what you want and not constantly being prepared for the worst case scenario.  Because let’s be real. Planning to win is an identity of someone who TRUSTS THEMSELVES which is the catalyst to create momentum in your business. The explosive demand, the high 4 + 5 figure monthly income, and calling in your next season of life is on the other side of this identity shift.  So I created a whole ass podcast for you to listen to around how to shift your identity to someone who wins. ​​ By the end of listening to it, you are going to know how to step into the coach + CEO who fully believes they are going to win when it comes to creating what they want.

Episode Notes

When you are in the in-between and in a season of being stagnant when it comes to creating what you want in biz  (the 4 + 5 figure monthly income, demand, inspiration, leaving your job, 6 fig year, and hitting life goals) what I see so often is you are planning to LOSE instead of WIN while taking the action.  

It feels NORMAL to plan for the worst case scenario instead of ASSUME IT’S GOING TO WORK OUT because you have been in the cocoon getting the same results for months (or years) so now  you think that there is a  higher probability of it not working out instead of working out.

IT'S HELLLA FRUSTRATING, but you are going to transcend all that ish inside of Metamorphosis Mastermind because I am going to coach you on how to get out of the cocoon with this one concept. 

I have this concept within my business that I  have been teaching on since 2021,  and it's called, Planning To Win.

And it’s an identity that once embodied, practiced, and refined will be the key to trusting yourself to actually call in what you want and not constantly being prepared for the worst case scenario. 

Because let’s be real.

Planning to win is an identity of someone who TRUSTS THEMSELVES which is the catalyst to create momentum in your business. The explosive demand, the high 4 + 5 figure monthly income, and calling in your next season of life is on the other side of this identity shift. 

So I created a whole ass podcast for you to listen to around how to shift your identity to someone who wins. ​​

By the end of listening to it, you are going to know how to step into the coach + CEO who fully believes they are going to win when it comes to creating what they want. 

P.S. Metamorphosis Mastermind is opening very soon!  This is a 6-month program designed for coaches who find themselves in a transitional phase – not beginners, but not where they envisioned being in their coaching business. Inside this program, you will implement coaching + concepts that will create momentum not only inside your coaching business but also in your life. The cart officially opens on October 31, 2023.

P.P.S. Want to get in early and be the first to claim their spots, you can book a free sales below.

Instagram: @_reganstorm

Book Your Free Sales Call to be in Metamorphosis Mastermind 

You can read all the information you need in these two posts: Details + Who This is For.


Free Training: Three Strategies To Help You Create Your First 4-Figure Month