Real Talk with Regan

Become A Client Magnet Outside of Content Marketing with Stephanie Polcyn

Episode Summary

Welcome back to another episode of Real Talk with Regan! Today, Regan is interviewing the incredible Stephanie Polcyn, a Business Marketing Strategist. This episode is part of an exciting series, and you’re tuning into Part 2: Become A Client Magnet Outside of Content Marketing with Stephanie Polcyn.

Episode Notes

Welcome back to another episode of Real Talk with Regan! Today, Regan is interviewing the incredible Stephanie Polcyn, a Business Marketing Strategist. This episode is part of an exciting series, and you’re tuning into Part 2: Become A Client Magnet Outside of Content Marketing with Stephanie Polcyn.

Stephanie shares how women, especially mothers, can grow their client base and amplify their marketing without being tied to Instagram.

In this episode, Stephanie and Regan discuss:


Connect with Stephanie here! 

Want to listen to Part 1 where Regan talks about Mindset Mastery to Make Your Sales + Marketing Work.