Real Talk with Regan

Ep 70: The Third Step To Create A 6 Figure Coaching Business That Isn't Demanding

Episode Summary

On this episode on Real Talk with Regan, we dive into the third phase of the Wealthy, Lazy CEO framework. The Wealthy, Lazy CEO is all about how to build a 6 figure coaching business with one offer, no live launching, and that doesn’t demand so much from you as a CEO. The third step is that you have to learn how to STABILIZE your business. Stabilize: to make or become unlikely to change, fail, or decline. When I teach my clients to STABILIZE, that is when they truly STEP INTO being in constant cash flow. We do this by diving into four growth areas [1] Client Results, Retention, and Referrals [2] Navigating Pricing shifts [3] Unlocking your CUSTOMIZED support system [4] Stabilizing being the CREATOR of your money And I deep dive into each of those areas of growth today on the podcast. Stabilization is the turning point from being a paid coach to leaving your job.

Episode Notes

On this episode on Real Talk with Regan, we dive into the third phase of the Wealthy, Lazy CEO framework.

The Wealthy, Lazy CEO is all about how to build a 6 figure coaching business with one offer, no live launching, and that doesn’t demand so much from you as a CEO.

The third step is that you have to learn how to STABILIZE your business.

Stabilize: to make or become unlikely to change, fail, or decline.

When I teach my clients to STABILIZE, that is when they truly STEP INTO being in constant cash flow.

We do this by diving into four growth areas

[1] Client Results, Retention, and Referrals

[2] Navigating Pricing shifts

[3] Unlocking your CUSTOMIZED support system

[4] Stabilizing being the CREATOR of your money

And I deep dive into each of those areas of growth today on the podcast.

Stabilization is the turning point from being a paid coach to leaving your job.

Coach-A-Thon information:

A 3 Day Coaching Experience to get coached by Regan on how to implement The Lazy CEO Sales System so you can sign your first clients, replace your paycheck, and even create your first 6 figures without the demands of scaling business.

Because you don’t have to be the hardest working CEO to create your dream life.


The Wealthy, Lazy CEO Coach-A-Thon  

Day #1] March 28th at 6 PM CST 

Day #2] March 29th at 6 PM CST 

Day #3] March 30th at 6 PM CST 

Giveaway Information:

If you share on your instagram about the Coach-A-Thon before the Coach-A-Thon kicks off,  you will be entered into win:

[1] A 1:1, 60 minutes call with me 

[2] $100 Giftcard to Amazon

[3] 7 Days of 1:1 coaching in Voxer

The winners will be announced each day at the Coach-A-Thon!

How to be entered to win:

[1] Tag your coaching friends on my Instagram post.

[2] Download this photo and share it on your story, don’t forget to tag me @_reganstorm

There will be multiple winners! The more tags and the more shares,  the more chances to win. 


Instagram: @_reganstorm

1:1 Coaching Application 


The Giveaway Instagram Story Graphic.