Real Talk with Regan

From Stuck to Momentum: My 5-Step Formula to Increase Your Income, Demand, and Business Growth

Episode Summary

If you are in a season of feeling stuck at a certain level of income, demand, and business growth… …Or even feel like things are plateauing or slowing down in your coaching business even though you are going FULL SEND with your marketing and sales efforts. THEN YOU’RE GOING TO LOVE THIS EPISODE!! In this episode, I share my powerful 5-step formula that not only breaks through income barriers but also elevates demand and fuels overall business growth. Just by changing your beliefs in yourself, your coaching business, and your identity. I am going to show you how to gain back your momentum, inspiration, and freaking enjoy your business and life again without adding more strategy and hours to your calendar. UGHH, THIS EPISODE IS GOING TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE, BUSINESS, AND HELP YOU HAVE THE MOST ABUNDANT YEAR YET AS COACH. After this episode, you are going to HAVE answers on HOW to actually gain back your momentum as a coach.

Episode Notes

Welcome back to another empowering episode of Real Talk with Regan! In this episode, I dive deep into the transformational journey from feeling stuck in your business to achieving unstoppable momentum. I share a powerful 5-step formula that not only breaks through income barriers but also elevates demand and fuels overall business growth.

Episode Highlights:

Breaking the Chains of Incongruence: Discover why staying true to yourself and aligning your business with your authentic beliefs is the key to overcoming stagnation. I share my personal experience of shifting from selling what I felt I had to, to selling what I truly wanted, and the profound impact it had on my business.

Ditching the Repetitive Cycle: Learn why doing the same things repeatedly can keep you trapped in a cycle of stagnation. I unveil the importance of embracing creativity, implementing unique ideas, and being honest with yourself to shake things up in your business.

Stepping Out of the Shadows: Overcome the fear of being the best-kept secret in your industry. I share insights into how changing your identity and embracing your worth can amplify your sales strategy, turning you from an invisible force to a big deal.

Romanticizing Your Current Life: Shift your mindset from 'never enough' to embracing the present. I guide you through intentional thinking about money, life goals, and business results, showing you how conscious decisions in these areas can lead to explosive growth.

Grounding Yourself for Success: Explore the importance of selling and marketing from a place of grounded confidence and belief in yourself. I share my journey of transitioning from a place of 'not enough' to a confident mindset, and how it became a turning point for my business.

Get ready to break free from stagnation and propel yourself towards the income, demand, and growth you've been dreaming of.

Instagram: @reganstormcoaching

Want to work with Regan Privately? Apply for 1:1 coaching here. 

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