Real Talk with Regan

The Cycle of Breaking Free from a Growth Plateau

Episode Summary

Let's be reaaaaal. Feeling stuck in a growth plateau is leaving you burnt out, frustrated, and questioning your abilities as a coach. ...And no matter how many hours you're putting in, how much income you're investing in strategy, or how good of a coach and service provider you are... it feels like nothing is freaking working. In this episode, I uncover the cycle that keeps seasoned entrepreneurs stuck and the two key shifts—identity and congruence—that will get you back into momentum and signing clients.

Episode Notes

Let's be reaaaaal.

Feeling stuck in a growth plateau is leaving you burnt out, frustrated, and questioning your abilities as a coach.

...And no matter how many hours you're putting in, how much income you're investing in strategy, or how good of a coach and service provider you are... it feels like nothing is freaking working.

In this episode, I uncover the cycle that keeps seasoned entrepreneurs stuck and the two key shifts—identity and congruence—that will get you back into momentum and signing clients.

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Work w/ me 1:1 

